fastDDM: Accelerating Differential Dynamic Microscopy Analysis (poster)


Overview: Differential Dynamic Microscopy (DDM) has emerged as a versatile and robust tool to quantify the dynamics of complex fluids and soft (biological) materials. It requires a microscope equipped with a digital camera and yields results analogous to those from multi-angle Dynamic Light Scattering experiments by analyzing microscopy movies of the sample. Problem: A drawback of DDM is its time-consuming analysis and the lack of open optimized and user-friendly software.
Solution: Here, we introduce “fastDDM”, a Python library designed to enhance the accessibility and interactivity of DDM analysis. Employing cutting-edge algorithms and harnessing the computational power of GPUs, we achieve a remarkable reduction in the analysis time for standard image sequences (10,000 frames, 512x512 pixels) from hours to just seconds.
Examples: We will illustrate the capabilities of this software through practical examples drawn from existing literature, highlighting its potential to accelerate and simplify DDM analysis for researchers across various domains.'

Dec 1, 2023
Vienna Soft Matter Day
Erwin Schrödinger Institute
Boltzmanngasse 9A, Vienna, 1090
Enrico Lattuada
Enrico Lattuada
Postdoctoral Researcher

Investigating the structure and dynamics of colloidal systems using optical techniques.